elderly woman laying down getting rest

Zzzz’s…Benefits of Resting Well

March 27, 2019

Sleep deprivation can lead to Cardiovascular Disease, Type 2 Diabetes, weight gain, falls, a decreased immune system and irritability. Sleep helps you to be the best version of yourself and take on the day with energy, but many people find sleep to be elusive. Try these tips to make sure you are getting the restful sleep you need:

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Freshly picked tomatoes

Fresh / Seasonal Vegetables: Root Vegetables

March 5, 2019

We all know that pumpkins are in season during the fall, but what other vegetables are? Many of the root vegetables (such as beets, parsnips, sweet potatoes, and shallots) as well as cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, brussels sprouts, cabbage, turnips, and watercress) are highly available during this time of the year. Root vegetables are the root of the plant and grow underground. Sometimes the tops of the plants can be eaten as well. As seedlings, root vegetables can be sown into the ground around early spring time and be harvested year round

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